Art workshop for adults and seniors / integration and intergenerational programme: Colour and Linear Experiments / for the Colloredo-Mansfeld building
Date and time
16. 2. 2025, 3–6 pm
The building is not barrier-free.
Sub A (Staroměstská station)
trams n. 2, 17, 18 (Karlovy lázně or Staroměstská stop)
CZK 50
Limited capacity, reservations required
Eva Pejchalová
external lecturer – workshops for seniors
T (+420) 721 328 021
The art workshop will respond to the environment of the historic interior of the representative floor of the Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace. We will learn about the arts and crafts technique of stucco lustro which has been applied in the decoration of the palace. During the accompanying programme, you will be able to try out creating lines on coloured substrates using starch paint. Through creative experiments (brush and finger painting, engraved drawing), unique patterns will be created on the surface of the paper. The resulting artwork (starch-painted papers) will range from free-form creations to applied art.
This programme is designed not only for adults and seniors, but also for their children and grandchildren as part of an intergenerational encounter. The workshops are also open to foreign visitors.