Art workshop for adults and seniors / integration and intergenerational programme: Interpreting an Image III and IV / for the exhibition Margita Titlová: Vertical Purple
Date and time
19. 3. 2023, 11 am–2 pm, 3–6 pm
The building is not barrier-free.
Sub A (Staroměstská station)
trams n. 2, 17, 18 (Karlovy lázně or Staroměstská stop)
Limited capacity, reservations required
Related exhibitions
Margita Titlová: Vertical Purple
Eva Pejchalová
external lecturer – workshops for seniors
T (+420) 721 328 021
The series of interactive workshops accompanying Margita Titlová’s exhibition will focus on the various possibilities of the painting medium and on combining techniques to create an image. In the first series of art workshops, entitled Gestures, Impressions and Structure in Painting, we will focus on the varied potential of artistic methods (making impressions of everyday objects and one’s own body) and on immediate painting gestures (dripping, pouring, washing out, etc.). We will use our imaginations to develop the records generated. The second series of workshops, titled Interpreting the Image, will give participants the space to work on their own subject, based on a photograph brought in from a family or personal archive. The artwork will be a synthesis of various methods used by the artist, providing non-traditional ways of applying paint to create a vibrant background for the image. We will then elevate the actual motifs to the level of symbols, signs, icons and omens.
This programme is designed not only for adults and seniors, but also for their children and grandchildren as part of an intergenerational encounter. The workshops are also open to foreign visitors.