BodyVoiceBand: Love, Defiance and Dead / concert

Stone Bell House

The building is not barrier-free.

Building is not barrier free.
concert hall


tickets available at the box office at the Stone Bell House from January 10, 2020
full 195 CZK
reduced for seniors over 70 years, children and students up to 26 years 145 CZK

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Devětsil 1920–1931

Concert performance of a three-part stage poem. Folk poetry and the breathtaking power of music. BodyVoiceBand re-opens the dialogue with the author, to which he has been referring throughout its existence.

The production was supported by the Ministry of culture and the City of Prague.

Author Emil František Burian

Director Jaroslava Šiktancová

Musical arrangement and staging Zdeněk Dočekal, Dušan Navařík

Korepetice Zdeněk Dočekal, Dušan Navařík

Light design Ondřej Růžička

Production Helena Bartošová

Dramaturgy Tereza Verecká

Sing and play Marek Mikulášek, Ondřej Vacke, Josefína Voverková, Tereza Krippnerová, Marie Štípková, Bára Poláchová

Choir Lenka Mánková, Helena Kubovčiaková a pěvecký sbor Repetice Gymnázia na Pražačce

Band Dušan Navařík, Zdeněk Dočekal, František Tomášek, František Kukula, Michal Kostiuk, Martin Houserek