Jan Kovářík: Colorbond

Troja Château
Bookshop in the Stone Bell House

Price: CZK 332

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Publisher: GHMP
Year of publication: 2020
Range: 103
Format: 170 × 260 mm
Language: in Czech, in English
ISBN: 978-80-7010-168-1
Texts: Magdalena Juříková, Jan Kovářík
Graphic Design: Anymade Studio
Photographs: Studio Flusser
Translated by: Rani Tolimat
Language Editor: Ondřej Krochmalný

The catalog was published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name, held in Troja Castle on 25 May – 1 November 2020 with texts by Magdalena Juříková and Jan Kovářík.

Rudolf Sikora and Vladimír Havlík: Snow Stone Star Tree

Bookshop in the Stone Bell House
Bookshop in the Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace

Price: CZK 390

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GHMP Patron 30 % discount

Publisher: GHMP
Year of publication: 2020
Range: 128
Format: 160 × 240 mm
Language: in Czech, in English
ISBN: 978-80-7010-167-4
Texts: Jakub Král
Translated by: Stephan Von Pohl
Pre-press preparation of photographs: Studio Zdaar (David Šrot and Kryštof Novák)
Text editing: Ondřej Krochmalný
Graphic design: Studio Zdaar (David Šrot and Kryštof Novák)

Devětsil 1920–1931

Bookshop in the Stone Bell House

Price: CZK 1,099

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Publisher: Prague City Gallery (GHMP)
Year of publication: 2019
Range: 248
Format: 220 × 315 mm
Language: in Czech, in English
ISBN: 978-80-7010-160-5
Texts: Alena Pomajzlová, Jindřich Toman, Karel Císař, Petr Ingerle, Jakub Potůček, Jitka Ciampi Matulová and Lucie Česálková
Translated by: Vladimíra Šefranka
Pre-press preparation of photographs: Metoda spol. s r.o.
Editorial: Kateřina Danielová
Graphic Design: Adéla Svobodová, Tereza Hejmová

The accompanying publication to the exhibition Devětsil 1920–1931 presents eight synthetic studios with rich visual accompaniment, which map the activities of the avant-garde group Devětsil, active in Prague and Brno in the 1920s. Based on examples from individual fields – fine art, architecture, photography, film, theater and typography – the poetics of contemporary art oriented to the modern world and progressive streams of world art are presented. In Czech and English language version published by the Prague City Gallery (GHMP).

Bedřich Dlouhý: What I Like

Bookshop in the Stone Bell House
Bookshop in the Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace
Bookshop in the House of Photography
Municipal Library, 2nd floor

Price: CZK 720

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GHMP Patron 30 % discount

Publisher: Prague City Gallery (GHMP)
Year of publication: 2019
Range: 137
Language: in Czech, in English
ISBN: 978-80-7010-155-1
Translated by: Adrian Dean
Pre-press preparation of photographs: Jan Bouček
Language Editor: Pavlína Klazarová
Graphic Design: Zdeněk Ziegler

Exhibition catalogue Bedřich Dlouhý – What I like  is published in a graphic design of Zdeněk Ziegler in Czech and English versions. It contains a text by the author of the exhibition Mahulena Nešlehová entitled “Unlimited freedom of creation”, which deals with the exhibited works and at the same time grasps the development of the artist’s work from the beginning of his creative activities in the Šmidras group to the present. The study is accompanied by a rich selection of images of the present works: graphics, paintings, objects and assemblages. It is followed by Dlouhý’s aptly “Contribution to Discussion”, which he presented at the symposium “The Form and Purpose of Painting in Contemporary Art” organized in 1994 by the Academy of Fine Arts. The catalogue is enriched by an overview of the artist’s biographical data, accompanied by a selection of his personal photographs, shots from exhibitions and from quid activities, as well as from several dada events of the Palette of Homeland, of which Dlouhý was the first president. The catalog includes 140 pages and 110 colour and black and white reproductions.

Carnations and Velvet / Art and Revolution in Portugal and Czechoslovakia (1968–1974–1989)

Municipal Library, 2nd floor 

Price: CZK 890

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GHMP Patron 30 % discount

Publisher: Prague City Gallery (GHMP), Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea (MNAC)
Year of publication: 2019
Edition: 1.
Range: 174
Language: in Czech, in English, in Portuguese
ISBN: 978-80-7010-157-5
Texts: Ana de Almeida, Sandra Baborovská, Emília Ferreira, Manuela Franco, Adelaide Ginga, Vít Havránek, Magdalena Juříková, Pavel Szobi
Photos: Archiv GHMP, arquivo MNAC, archive of SNG, Arquivo do Centro de Documentação 25 de Abril da Universidade de Coimbra, Arquivo Histórico Diplomático, José Pedro Aguiar–Branco, Diogo Cabrita, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon / José Manuel Costa Alves, Mário de Oliveira, José Campelo, Karel Cudlín, Alfredo Cunha, ČTK, ČTK / Pavel Hořejší, Tomáš Novák, ČTK / ZUMA / Keystone Pictures USA, Fundação Mário Soares / Arquivo Mário Soares, Konstantin Karageorgiev, Jaroslav Krejčí, Jaroslav Kučera, Karel Kuklík, Dana Kyndrová, Petr Morávek, Nadační fond Kmentová Zoubek / Karel Kuklík, David Stecker, Tomki Němec, Oto Palán, Růžena Preissová, Roman Sejkot, Tomáš Souček, Pavel Štecha, José Vidal de Almeida, José Viegas
Graphic Design: Anymade Studio
Translated by: Anna de Almeida (CZ), David Davis (EN), Jaroslava Jindrová (CZ), Kennis Translations (EN), Anton Pasienka (PT), Eva Schalková (PT), Vladimíra Šefranka Žáková (EN), Redakce a jazyková korektura / Correção e revisão dos textos / Copy Editing and Proofreading: Kateřina Danielová (CZ), Adelaide Ginga (PT), Vladimíra Šefranka Žáková (EN)
Language editors: Kateřina Danielová (CZ), Adelaide Ginga (PT), Vladimíra Šefranka Žáková (EN)

This catalogue has been published in collaboration with the National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC) in Lisbon on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition held 30 April to 29 September 2019 in Prague City Gallery’s exhibition spaces on the second floor of the Municipal Library. It includes texts by the exhibition’s curators Sandra Baborovská (GHMP) and Adelaide Ginga (MNAC), historian Pavel Szobi, art historian Vít Havránek, and Czech-Portuguese artist Ana de Almeida. The texts offer an introduction to Portuguese art and look at the surprising similarities, parallels, and paradoxes of the revolutionary events in Portugal and Czechoslovakia. The shared starting point is the year 1968 – the time of the Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia and the spring of Marcelo Caetano in Lisbon – but the publication also looks at 1974 and 1989, the years of the peaceful revolutions that brought freedom to the two countries. The Carnation Revolution in Portugal took place on 25 April 1974, and the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia was on 17 November 1989. The catalogue also presents works by Czechoslovak and Portuguese artists, famous individuals, and legends who responded to their countries’ oppressive regimes and who had a fundamental influence on contemporary art in their countries. This is also the first time that Czech audiences have had an opportunity to look into the private archives of the young Portuguese who were part of the first foreign delegation (on 9 December 1989) to come in support of our democratization.

Carnations and Velvet: Art and Revolution in Portugal and Czechoslovakia (1968–1974–1989), with graphic design by Anymade Studio and published in Czech, Portuguese, and English, offers a full summary of both revolutions and a chronology of the independent Portuguese and Czechoslovak states. Besides unique documents from the Czech Press Agency, Fundação Mário Soares, Centro de Documentação 25 de Abril, Arquivo Histórico Diplomático, Rádio e Televisão de Portugal, Czech Television, period magazines and newspapers, and private archives, it also features photographs by Václav Havel’s private photographer Tomki Němec and reproductions of artworks from the Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea in Lisbon, Fundação de Serralves – Museu de Arte Contemporânea – Porto, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian – Lisbon, Prague City Gallery, Kampa Museum – the Jan and Meda Mládek Foundation, the Kmentová Zoubek Endowment Fund, Prvá slovenská investičná skupina – Bratislava, the Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava, and many others.
Published thanks to the kind support of the Instituto Camões.
The exhibition’s main media partner is Czech Television.
The exhibition was presented under the auspices of Her Excellency Manuela Franco, Portugal’s ambassador to the Czech Republic, and Hana Třeštíková, Prague city councilor for culture, monument preservation, exhibitions, and tourism.
Published on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition at Prague City Gallery – Municipal Library, 30 April – 29 Sept. 2019, and at the Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea in Lisbon, 25 April –30 Aug. 2020.

Květa Pacovská: Run till the End

Bookshop in the Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace

Price: CZK 380

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GHMP Patron 30 % discount

Publisher: Prague City Gallery (GHMP)
Year of publication: 2019
Edition: 1.
Range: 72
Format: 290 × 290 mm
Language: in Czech, in English
ISBN: 978-80-7010-159-9
Graphic Design: Ondřej Grygar
Photographs: Štěpán Grygar
Translated by: Melissa Dedinová, Babylonia
Language Editor: Alena Benešová

The catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition Květa Pacovská: Run till the End, held at the Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace on 2 October 2019 – 1 March 2020.

Josef Sudek – Topography of Ruins

Bookshop in the House of Photography
Bookshop in the Stone Bell House

Price: CZK 490

Publisher: Artefactum
Year of publication: 2018
Edition: 1.
Language: in Czech, in English
ISBN: 978-80-88283-10-2
Translations into English: Hana Logan, Keith Jones, Stephan von Pohl, Barbora Štefanová
Translations into Czech: Martin Micka
Pre-press preparation of photographs: Radek Typovský (Studio Marvil)
Language Editors: Kristýna Bartoš, Jana Jebavá (studio Datle)
Graphic Design: Martin Groch, Tim+Tim

The catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition Josef Sudek: Topography of Ruins, held at the House of Photography – Prague City Gallery, from 22 May until 19 August 2018. In 1945, photographer Josef Sudek went to the streets of Prague to document the damage done by the Second World War. This gave rise to a collection of nearly four hundred images that depict injured urban landscapes – damaged buildings, warehouses of installed statues, and protective fire and anti-aircraft measures.

J/P/K Jasanský Polák Karny

Bookshop in the House of Photography
Bookshop in the Stone Bell House
Bookshop in the Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace
Municipal Library, 2nd floor

Price: CZK 330

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GHMP Member 20 % discount
GHMP Member Plus 20 % discount
GHMP Patron 30 % discount

Publisher: Prague City Gallery (GHMP)
Year of publication: 2019
Edition: 1.
Range: 92
Language: in Czech, in English
ISBN: 978-80-7010-158-2
Translated by: Vladimíra Šefranka Žáková
Language Editor: Ondřej Krochmalný

The catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition J/P/K Jasanský Polák Karny , held in the House of Photography from 17 September 2019 to 12 January 2020.

Jan Švankmajer – The Possibilities of Dialogue / Between Film and Free Art


Price: CZK 1,791

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GHMP Patron 30 % discount

Publisher: Arbor vitae
Year of publication: 2013
Edition: 1.
Language: in Czech
ISBN: 978-80-7467-015-2
Texts: František Dryje, Ivo Purš, Bertrand Schmitt, Jan Švankmajer
Photographs: Kazumi Terazaki, Oto Palán, Ivan Englich, Svatopluk Malý, Miroslav Špála, Jan Růžička, Martin Procházka, Juraj Galvánek, Boris Baromykin, Jiří Šafář, Zdeněk Šibrava, Karel Suzan, Vladimír Malík, Peter Puluj, Jan Svoboda, Emila Medková, Jaroslav Brabec, Miloň Novotný, Vojtěch Písařík, Josef Ptáček, Jan Kuděla, Vladimír Souček, Frans de la Cousine, Stanislav Tůma mladší, Jana Stejskalová, Jiřina Borkovcová
Editor: Lev Pavluch
Graphic Design: Pavel Zelenka, Tereza Pavelková (Studio Marvil)

The catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition Jan Švankmajer – The Possibilities of Dialogue / Between Film and Free Art, which took place at the Stone Bell House on 26 October 2012 – 3 February 2013 and in the Museum of Art Olomouc – Museum of Modern Art from 16 May – 15 September 2013.

Aleš Hnízdil, Jiří Kačer – Sculptures and Objects

Troja Château

Price: CZK 310

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GHMP Member Plus 20 % discount
GHMP Patron 30 % discount

Publisher: Prague City Gallery (GHMP)
Year of publication: 2019
Edition: 1.
Range: 82
Language: in Czech, in English
ISBN: 978-80-7010-151-3
Texts: Magdalena Juříková, Jiří Kačer, Aleš Hnízdil
Graphic Design: Anymade Studio
Photographs: Barbora Skácelová Fastrová
Translated by: Ivan Vomáčka
Language Editor: Ondřej Krochmalný

The catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition Aleš Hnízdil, Jiří Kačer – Sculptures and Objects, held in Troja Château on March 29 till November 3 2019.