František Bílek: Entrance to the Temple Vestibule

Curator: Hana Larvová

The exhibition showcases the early works of Art Nouveau Symbolist František Bílek (1872–1941).

František Bílek, Dance around the Golden Calf (from the cycle The Journey), 1903, baked clay, Prague City Gallery

His sculptures, drawings, prints, artist’s books, and texts from that time convey Bílek’s unique interpretation of Christianity, rooted in a mystical world of symbols and allegories. Central to understanding Bílek’s spirituality are two of his seminal artist’s books from this period: Building the Future Temple in Us (1908) and The Journey (1909). These works reflect Bílek’s experiences during his study in Paris in the early 1890s, particularly influenced by the esoteric and then-popular book by French philosopher and essayist Édouard Schuré, Les Grands Initiés / The Great Initiates: A Study of the Secret History of Religions (1889), published in Paris in 1889. The resulting intricate mosaic of religious syncretism, which became the backbone of Bílek’s entire work, was most authentically expressed during this time.

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František Bílek: Entrance to the Temple Vestibule

from: 2. 7. 2024
to: 1. 6. 2026

Curator: Hana Larvová
Architect: Tomáš Svoboda

Villa Bílek
Mickiewiczova 233/1
160 00 Prague 6

Tue–Sun 10 am–6 pm

The building is not barrier-free.


  • CZK 150 full / adults
  • CZK 60 reduced / pupils and students age 11–26; ISIC, ITIC and EYCA card holders; senior citizens age 65+; school groups
  • CZK 50 reduced / children age 6–10
  • CZK 330 family / 2 adults + 1–4 children under 15 y.
  • free / GHMP Member / GHMP Member Plus; GHMP Patron

Special admissions and special discounts

Box office T (+420) 233 323 631