Jaroslav Horejc (1886–1983) Master of Czech Art Deco 28. 9. 2016 – 29. 1. 2017
Jaroslav Horejc devoted his creative energy to two spheres: sculpture and applied arts. He himself saw the focal point of his efforts in sculpture, but he was primarily recognized for his contribution to the field of applied arts. Throughout Horejc’s long life, his oeuvre could be perceived as a solitary artistic expression without followers, “pushed” to the side from the main development of modern Czech sculpture. The stigma of isolationism was broken by the phenomenon of Art Deco, into whose context Horejc’s body of work was retrospectively incorporated during the 1980s and 1990s. Art Deco allowed the evaluation of his oeuvre as a whole. The exhibition at the Stone Bell House will be the first of its kind to give a comprehensive presentation of Horejc’s fine and decorative artworks. Its basic idea is based on the concept of a chronological retrospective, but it is also structured according to thematic and formal areas. The exhibition is accompanied by an extensive publication, the essential part of which is an overview of all accessible works by Horejc (until May 2016).