OPEN CALL – Palaces of Pleasure / Historic Sites in Contemporary Culture

We would like to invite you to participate in a two-day roundtable where we will create a platform for sharing experiences, ideas, and best practices in the use of historical sites for contemporary cultural and social activities. We especially welcome all professionals working in and with historical landmarks and buildings, as we aim to bring historical structures to life within the context of modern times. We believe that historical buildings should not merely be preserved as static monuments of the past but should also serve as dynamic venues that engage and inspire present and future generations.

The two-day roundtable will take place on 7–8 November 2024 in Prague. It is organised by Prague City Gallery, an institution whose main aim is to collect and exhibit modern and contemporary Czech art. The Prague City Gallery manages seven buildings, organising around ten exhibitions and many events throughout the year. One of these buildings is the Troja Château, a Baroque palace renowned for its unique qualities, especially its interior decoration, architectural and sculptural elements, and the atmosphere of the adjacent garden and orchard. This building is widely used for contemporary art exhibitions, performances, concerts, filming, and rentals. The nature of the building requires constant professional conservation work, which also sets limits on its use for exhibiting the most contemporary art.

As we are constantly trying to learn from our experiences, we wish to create a unique opportunity for professionals working in and with similar historical sites to come together and share their insights and challenges. Let us explore how we can ensure that these historical buildings continue to live vibrant, contemporary lives while preserving their rich heritage.

We are seeking 30-minute presentations from professionals about their historical buildings and the various activities they host within them. We are particularly interested in hearing about both the successes and challenges you have encountered. We want to learn about your good and bad experiences and what you have learned from them. By sharing these insights, we hope to foster a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively manage and utilise historical sites in contemporary cultural and social contexts.

To enrol, please fill in the Google form with a brief description of your historical building or programs, festivals, and other cultural events, such as exhibitions organised within a historical building. Include any relevant details about your building and your experiences with it. Deadline for applications is August 18. We will then select 10 participants from your submissions so that we can fill the two days with your presentations and discussions over them. The program will consist of your presentations, a visit to the Baroque Troja Château, and in-depth discussions. We will review the submissions by the end of August and let you know which ones we have selected. We then ask that you send in your presentations by October 13.

We are pleased to offer a travel expenses contribution of 200 euros, cover the cost of two nights’ accommodation in a hotel in Prague, and prepare a comprehensive program for all participants.

We look forward to your participation and to learning from your valuable insights.

Please note that the entire conference will be held online in English.