Šimon Hrábek

Paintings and Sculptures Depository Manager

T (+420) 725 867 660
E simon.hrabek@ghmp.cz

Workspace address
GHMP – Městská knihovna, 2. patro
Mariánské náměstí 98/1
110 00 Prague 1

He studied musicology at the Institute of Musicology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, and Popularisation of Music and Organisation of Music Life at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University.

He works at Prague City Gallery as the manager of the painting and sculpture depository. He works on the organisational systems of the physical and virtual depository and other issues related to gallery operations.

He is personally interested in Czech and Central European art of the 14th and 15th centuries, especially sacred vocal music and palaeography. In addition, he works as an independent avant-garde music producer and guitar teacher, as well as a poet specialising in calligraphy and occasionally as an amateur printmaker. His other interests include botany, zoology, herbalism and hiking.

In recent years he has been active as a music producer within the broadly based fictional label PURGATORIUM, where his artistic personality is split between the noise project HANGMAN, the post-punk project SUBTERRANEAN and the experimental project S-HE.


