Reading room
Villa Bílek
Mickiewiczova 233/1
160 00 Prague 6
The building is not barrier-free.
Tue-Fri 10 am – 5.30 pm
Sat-Sun 10 pm – 6 pm
Mon closed
Transport connection
tram Chotkovy sady
subway A Hradčanská
In Villa Bílek, open study and reading room of specialized literature and fine arts magazines are available for schools, experts and also for general public. Its friendly atmosphere and unique architecture of Art Noveau-symbolist villa offers its visitors the possibility of studying art and science literature and magazines, and also a wide range of exhibition catalogues of the Prague City Gallery. This space was open on November 17, 2016 – deliberately on the occasion of International Students Day.
The library’s base is made up of catalogues and publications reflecting the work of artists who are represented in the collections of the Prague City Gallery, or the authors who organized the exhibitions and published the catalogues. The reading room archive also possesses a large collection of magazines, dating from 1985 up to now. The archive includes publications such as: Ateliér, Umělec, Architekt, Stavba, Zlatý řez, Revolver revue, Kritická příloha, Umění, Labyrint, Umění a řemesla, Analogon, Detail and Výtvarné umění.
The reading room offers over 1,400 titles for a direct study. In total, there are approximately 5,800 book publications and magazines available to readers – including handbook libraries and magazine archives. The number of books is growing as the fund is constantly expanding through the publishing activities of the gallery and the purchase of new books.
In connection with the location in the Villa Bílek, part of the reading room is dedicated to the personality of František Bílek. In addition to the study, a specialized research room is available upon request.
Part of the books is located in an external warehouse outside the Villa Bílek, so if you are interested in a particular book for full-time study, we recommend to order it at least 48 hours in advance. Specific orders are handled by email or phone – readers will be informed as soon as possible about the availability of the given document.
Thanks to the proximity of public transport stops (Chotkovy sady, Královský letohrádek, Hradčanská), is the study and reading room easy accessible to interested persons.